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log book n.。

log cabin

Application must be made within the visiting hours please refer to item 4 . 3 of this regulation of the stay over day by filling in the details of visitor name , department , year of study , date of stay over , details of resident to stay with in the log book at the hostel , and pay the resident fee of hk 30 per head per night 必先徵得房友同意;于留宿當晚探訪時間內(見本規章第4 . 3項)到宿舍大廳之訪客留宿登記冊上登記訪客之姓名、院系級、留宿房間及日期、接待宿生姓名等資料,并繳付留宿費用每人每晚三十元。留宿期間須有接待宿生陪同。

The source of data for this validation should include , but not be limited to batch processing and packaging records , process control charts , maintenance log books , records of personnel changes , process capability studies , finished product data , including trend cards and storage stability results 該驗證的數據來源應該包括? ?但是不局限于:批處理和包裝記錄,工藝工職流程圖,維護保養記錄表,人員變更記錄,加工能力研究,成品數據,包括趨勢卡片和耐儲存性結果。

This will improve the efficiency of record retrieval significantly since information can be accessed easily by multi - users simultaneously , setting aside the need to prepare duplicate copies . the use of file jackets , minute sheets , a4 size paper , file index cards and log books will be greatly reduced 由于多名使用者可以輕易地同時閱覽資料,故能顯著提升翻查紀錄的效率,不必再存備復本,而文件夾錄事頁a 4紙檔案索引卡及紀錄冊的使用量將可大為減少。

Before leaving the ship , the master shall direct the crew members to do their utmost to rescue the deck log book , the engine log book , the oil record book , the radio log book , the charts , documents and papers used in the current voyage , as well as valuables , postal matters and cash money 在離船前,船長應當指揮船員盡力搶救航海日志、機艙日志、油類記錄簿、無線電臺日志、本航次使用過的海圖和文件,以及貴重物品、郵件和現金。

The programme will be implemented in the form of a self - attainment award scheme . a log book will be issued to each participant for keeping the pattern and frequency of doing physical exercise . the aim is to encourage them to sustain their good habit of doing exercise 這項計劃以自我實踐的獎勵形式推行,每名參加者會獲發一本紀錄冊,用來記錄參與各項運動的模式和次數,目的是鼓勵他們持之以恒,培養做運動的良好習慣。

Have to produce to the centre supervisor their valid and related water sports log book certificate issued by national sports associations prior to their activities . otherwise , they are prohibited to pursuit water sports at our centre ,必須于活動前,向中心主管出示由體育總會簽發之有效及相關的水上活動能力證明文件,未能出示者,不得于本中心進行水上活動。

The log books of the shipengyu observatory and the earthquake office of anshan city and the notebook of yingkou county ' s earthquake office contain many , albeit incomplete , reports of macroscopic and microscopic anomalies 石硼峪地震臺、鞍山地震辦公室,以及營口縣地震辦公室的記錄本,包含了對宏觀和微觀異常的許多報告,盡管對異常的報告不夠完整。

Race cop will be responsible for distributing the team pack including the log book , fish id chart , water proof log sheets and a clip board to the race team on the event day 賽事指導員負責于向比賽隊伍分派比賽用品包括觀魚日志魚類圖表防水紙與墊板。隊伍只須將觀魚日志交予裁判,其馀物資則交還給賽事指導員

We collect and re - organize the eco - log books of our rangers into a form of daily , so as to describe the habits and characteristics of various animals , plants , inserts , and birds 內文介紹詳盡有趣,中英對照,透過一種自然日記的形式介紹本港的自然生態。內容包羅萬有:植物鳥類蝴蝶真菌昆蟲哺乳類動物海。

You must document your experience with pay receipts , a log book signed by your supervising mechanic , a notarized statement from your employer , or other proof you worked the required time 你可以拿你的薪水袋、由監督的技師簽名的時間紀錄本、或由雇主提供的證明或是其他的工作時間紀錄作為工作證明文件。

However , the security staff should take appropriate security measures to ensure that such entries in a visitors log book are concealed from subsequent visitors who enter their details 不過,保安員須采取適當的保安措施遮蓋訪客登記冊內的資料,以免后到的訪客在登記資料時得悉之前訪客的資料。

Article 37 the master shall make entries in the log book of any occurrence of birth or death on board and shall issue a certificate to that effect in the presence of two witnesses 第三十七條船長應當將船上發生的出生或者死亡事件記入航海日志,并在兩名證人的參加下制作證明書。

A question is also often raised on whether the security staff of a building can ask visitors to enter their id card numbers in a visitors log book at the entrance of a building 此外,機構亦經常問及大廈的保安員可否要求訪客把身分證號碼登記在大廈入口處的訪客登記冊內。

Waste - dumping vessels , aircraft , platforms or other vehicles shall have distinctive marks and signals , and the details of dumping shall be recorded in the log book 傾倒廢棄物的船舶、航空器、平臺和其他載運工具應有明顯標志和信號,并在航行日志上詳細記錄傾倒情況。

There was no common reference number linking the actual das search with the log books and requisition forms to enable internal audit team to conduct the audit check 直接查冊服務與紀錄冊及申請表格之間并無共同參考號碼,以便內部審核組進行審核調查。

The happy smiles scheme will finish on may 23rd . the completed “ log book ” needs to be submitted to the class teacher on may 24th 2006 ( wednesday ) 親子愛牙計劃將于5月23日完成,煩請家長將記錄手冊于五月二十四日(星期三)交回班主任。

Effective compliance . an occurrence log system set up in 2003 replaced the hardcopy log books of the isd news enquiry desk E政府新聞處新聞組轄下的諮詢小組于2003年設立了事故記錄系統occurrence log system ,以取代以硬本形式存備的記錄冊。

The photo shows a real - time data display of the aerodrome meteorological observing system , and a log book for recording weather information by the weather observer 機場氣象觀測系統的實時數據顯示,及天氣觀測員用以記下天氣資料的記錄冊。

Log books are kept to record all refusals of the data access and correction requests and the particulars of the reasons for the refusals 備存保障資料紀錄簿,以記錄所有被拒絕的查閱和改正資料要求,以及詳盡的拒絕理由。